Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Change of Scenery

Hi, I just wanted to write a new post as I'm gettng tired of seeing the Golden Arches every time I log in here. You must be too. We are having a bit of a down day over here. I need to evaluate it here with you if that is OK?

1. We are getting tired. There is nothing like worry and stress and waiting and boredom to make you nuts. Granted we haven't been here that long this time but the times you are here just all seem to run together.

2. Each day you wake up with some big hopes that something will change~not really, unfortunately. Most of us are use to problems that eventually get resolved. These ongoing birth defect problems that Hazel has just keep turning up new things that cause her problems and more stress for everyone else.

3. I am having to remind myself that we have to take it one day at a time. Once you start to project into the future you get into big problems.

4. The family needs a support group of other parents that have Spina Bifada children. Having a doctor pass by once or twice a day is not enough. We all need someone to talk to that gets this in a real way. By that I mean not just the physical aspect but the emotional aspect of this condition. There has to be a way of normalizing the situation so families can cope.

5. We have to really beef up the faith aspect and remember our job is to ask for what we and she needs. His job is to answer our heartfelt, earnest prayers in her behalf. We need to remember we cannot fix this. We have to learn to adapt. We have to be patient...really patient and we have to count our blessings and name them one by one. I'll start...we are thankful we have all of you and for your support. God bless us all! One day at a time we can do this...!


Julie said...

I do understand all that you are feeling. It is so hard being there every day and not knowing what is going to happen. I struggled with wondering if the baby was scared and what I could do to help. I know with out a doubt that you being there has and is helping more than I think you will understand. Whenever life is really hard, I want my Mom. I really am here and if you need anything brought to you all at the hospital please let me know. Even if its just drinks or I can bring you food. Please let me know, my heart is breaking for you and your family. May God continue to bless every one of you.

V and Co. said...

oh that picture just breaks my heart!!! we will continue to pray for hazel and the whole family! we love you guys!

laura.elizabeth said...

I am so sorry Mom. Of course, I don't know exactly what you guys are going through but I have struggled through disappointment and heartbreak enough to know that it isn't easy or fun. I wish there was something I could do. I know how restless it can be waiting on other people- I am so sorry. We are praying... what more can I do? Honestly Mom, what can I do to help? I know as observers you feel "helpless" to care for and comfort Hazel- that is how I feel about helping the family, only times 6000 miles! It is really hard for me to be here when I know I could help with the girls and the house if I was there. Please just let me know what I can do and PLEASE don't say nothing.

Lanette - Never Give Up! said...

I wish I could help. Stay strong and know my prayers include all of you. Sometimes earth life is just plain hard.

Bonnie said...

Thanks so much to all of you. Laura~e-mails, blogging, all are a bright spot for us all. Love to all!

MARE + 3= CRAZY!!! said...

Peace be with Hazel's family, & patience too. Strength & comfort & courage to Hazel so she can hang in there. Inspiration to the Dr's so they can figure out what is going on. & Love to you all, know that you have many prayers being sent by the people who love & care about little Hazel. I wish I could do more, but I know prayer is a powerful thing. Love Marianne

CA Poppy said...

We read Alma 17&18 with the missionaries and I'm reminded of the faith, prayers, and fasting that our family can contribute to Hazel being diagnosed correctly. Joseph and Sam are feeling like she's their cousin. We'll keep praying for our new 'prima' to get better. Love,Michelle

Laura said...

How frustrating----I will keep praying daily for you all----also for strength and patience to handle the situation. Much love, Laura

D and C said...

I cannot even imagine what you may be going through, ALL of you, especially little Hazel, but know that you're in our prayers. WE LOVE YOU GUYS!

Bonnie said...

We have the best family and friends~we love you all. Jim brought me our laptop so I can start catching up on all your great adventures tomorrow. I look forward to that. Love, B

Lowell just arrived so I am outta here. Today was a mellow day~needed it! Happy 4th everyone!

mandy* said...

Thanks for the updates on Hazel and family. You are so strong with so much going on. I love you.

Barbara said...

Hello, Dear Bonnie - I bet you never thought you'd spend your birthday in a hospital. At first, I thought it sad that you were spending your birthday that way. Then, I thought, there is no better place for you to be than near Hazel when she (and Jen) needs you. Read Ether 2:16-25. I know that your ship is tight like unto a dish - enough to withstand the mountain waves; I know that you ask daily for the right kind of light; I know Heavenly Father will answer your prayers. Big hug, Barbara