Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Week

Have you made your list of favorite things yet? Do it and post it on your blog~it is a lot of fun to see them all in one place. If you do it and then leave a comment here so I will be sure to see it~I'll pick one for a prize at the end of the weekend. I give good stuff~you should enter.

Here is my post on A Lot of My Favorite Things that I am grateful for this Thanksgiving!


Laura said...

Do you mean food wise or in general---things we are grateful for?

Bonnie said...

Things in general which can certainly include food. I'll put a link to the one i did in the body of the post to give you an idea. Of course it does not have to be as looooong as mine!

Jen Stewart said...

Sorry, I've been gone a while. Hazel has been a total beast for the last 10 days or so. I thought the ears were the culprit but she's still pretty grumpy and just wants to be held all the time or asleep or driving around. I'm glad gas went down because we've been driving aimlessly the last few weeks.

The only online time I've had I spent working on the other blog. I wanted to get permission from the magazine to "publish" their article on the it so while I was waiting I was inputting some of that cuz it's long. Anyway- got it today butit's like a 'document' that I have to sign and send them snail mail.

I'm rambling. Sorry. I'll be better.

Jen Stewart said...

I did my thankful post. check it out.

mandy* said...

My thankful post is on "Mandy as a Mom." Thanks for the suggestion! I had fun making my list.

Deanna said...

Oh drats...I want to make my list. I guess I will have to wait until next Monday. My husband and I are staying at a hotel tonight until Wednesday night.

I just dropped in to wish you and your dear family a Happy Thanksgiving. I will be gone all week but I will come visit you next Monday.

Have a great week!
Deanna :)