Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Serendipity Date and Choir of Angels

Last night I was so happy to be able to go to the Tabernacle and watch the elementary school aged kids from all over the area perform in a choir festival. There were over 500 kids (3-6th grade) participating from about a dozen school. I marvel at the work that the teachers put into this big event. It was really neat. It was especially fun since we had 3 grandies participating. Piper, Julia and Connor. And I got to be with Chris and Lowell to watch it!

Quite by surprise I got to go out to dinner with our son, Christopher. I thought their whole family was coming but both Jen and Missy had been before and were wise to stay home with the littler kids.

We dropped the big kids off at the Tabernacle and then we had an hour before the door opened so we went to have dinner together on the spur of the moment. I was so delighted to have these few minutes for a one on one experience with him. It is a rare thing for a mom and son that live so far apart.


We went to this little place and it was really good. I loved the decor and the copper table tops. I love me some copper and this place had lots of it. Neither of us had ever been there but it would be fun to go back again sometime.

We walked over to the concert and stood in line for a few minutes and we were happy to have an umbrella. We were lucky it wasn't snow as it sure felt cold enough. Burr, will this winter ever be done?

I love this building that was painstakingly
built by the
pioneers and early settlers of the valley.

The interior of the building before the concert.
The woodworking and craftsmanship is really amazing.

The stained glass windows are a beautiful amber,
they are simple but exquisite.
Julia's math teacher is in the foreground,
Mrs. White!

Connor and his friends before the concert.

Piper and her best buddy, Mitrian before the concert.
We couldn't even find Julia and her group in this
of kids all dressed alike.

Connor having fun!

First each school performed alone.

Here our kids are singing and the accompanist is a friend of mine that I met when I redesigned her living room back home! Now she lives here and our paths crossed again! She has been reading this blog so "Hi Nancy!" You did a beautiful job. It was worth finding the perfect place for that baby grand in your living room! Practice makes perfect!

Julia and Piper

Con, Gramma and Piper

Connor and Jewels

Connor and Gramma

The Finale
Anyone who can get 500 + kids to do this is a miracle worker in my book. Looking twice I realized it was a friend of ours from back hone in the Singles' Ward named Julianna! Ms. Barker is conducting this last song. I wish the sound was better but you can get the idea. Grampa wanted to make sure he could hear them, so this one is for you, Honey!


Bonnie said...

love love love this choir number. And I'm no fan of choirs! Thanks for getting it on video mom!

Bonnie said...

oops...that last one was from me: Miss Jen!

Jim said...

A-Wonderful...A-Wonderful. I enjoyed ALL of it very much. BonBon, thank you for peuuing this together. I want to be there too!

Marie Rayner said...

What a wonderful experience Bonnie! I loved seeing the video and the pics of your grandchildren and your son. What a beautiful family you have! I have been very remiss in getting around to reading all my favourite blogs this week. Have been a bit snowed under with getting ready to move and all. I did make it today though. I ♥ you!

Nancy said...

Can I just say how thrilled I was when I saw that you had posted a video of the last number!!! Scott wasn't able to go to the concert (home with other kiddos) and I was trying to describe to him how magnificent the kids were! Just brought tingles up and down my spine! See, you're so brilliant that record and post it for us all to be able to enjoy it over and over again! Thanks! And thanks also for the fun shout-out. :) I was hoping I would run into you after but it was so crowded! Hope you have a continued fun trip with your wonderful family!